Indirect cost recovery and financial performance

Huron helps universities, academic medical centers, hospitals, and research institutes improve financial performance by maximizing indirect cost recovery and other reimbursement, optimizing investments, and promoting efficiency.

How we help


Calculate and negotiate indirect cost rates

Optimize your indirect cost rate calculation process and performance. Huron offers strategic planning, proposal development, and negotiation with federal agencies such as the Department of Health and Human Services, Cost Allocation Services (DHHS-CAS), and the Office of Naval Research (ONR).

Enhance the space survey process

Use leading practices and data analysis driven by Huron’s proprietary efacs tool to perform and review space surveys. Our process will help you maximize indirect cost rate calculations and ensure defensibility during federal review. Leverage data to improve space management and review research productivity.

Optimize fringe benefit reimbursement

Negotiate and implement fringe benefit rate calculations while simplifying budgeting and charging processes.

Improve service center and animal facility rates

Assess and refine the service center rate development process, policies, and procedures to minimize subsidies and ensure compliance with applicable regulations. Utilize the Cost Analysis and Rate Setting Manual for Animal Research Facilities (CARS) to develop federally compliant per diem rates.

Rationalize funds flow

Understand revenue sources and funds distribution among educational, research, and clinical missions; manage indirect cost recovery distributions to reflect organizational goals.

Quantify research investment and cost recovery

Untangle and analyze research investments to ensure alignment with strategic plans and promote research priorities.

Connect with an education & research expert

Carrie Hurney
Read My Bio
Wendy Meister
Managing Director
Read My Bio
Joe Taylor
Managing Director
Read My Bio

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