Programmatic vs. Operational (Big "C" vs. Little "c") Compliance Webinar

Leah Guidry, Anne Pifer

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Moderated by Huron compliance experts Leah Guidry and Anne Pifer, with special guest, Dr. Timothy J Fournier, Senior Vice President and Chief Enterprise Risk Management, Ethics and Compliance Officer at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, this webinar will discuss programmatic versus operational compliance.

From oversight to operations, compliance has a hand in all aspects of an institution. This webinar will discuss how to differentiate the compliance components of your institution's organizational infrastructure and is designed to help attendees better understand how all parts can be optimized and work together in relation to the Office of Inspector General's (OIG) eight elements of an effective compliance program. 

Programmatic vs. Operational (Big "C" vs. Little "c") Compliance Webinar

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