Learn About the Recent CMS Announcement and How to Expand Your Capacity with a Hospital at Home Solution

Nicole Bengtson

Learn about the November 25th, 2020 CMS announcement and how to expand your capacity with a hospital at home solution

On November 25, 2020, CMS released a new announcement that provides eligible hospitals with unprecedented regulatory flexibilities to treat eligible patients in their homes.

With a sharp rise in COVID-19 cases across the U.S., leaders need new methods to provide flexible delivery care – including hospital care at home to address upcoming capacity constraints in traditional acute care settings.

CMS is now providing reimbursement for at home hospitalization for the country’s 62 million Medicare and Medicare Advantage members. It is imperative leaders act now to ensure their organizations are ready for long-term transformation in how they provide care.

During this webinar, Huron hosts Medically Home for an in-depth discussion how organizations can rapidly deploy a hospital at home model.

Expand Your Capacity with a Hospital at Home Solution

Follow-up Webinar Recording: Q&A Session

Follow Up Q&A: Expand Your Capacity With a Hospital at Home Solution

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