Research administration operations

Huron helps organizations streamline research administration operations so that researchers can focus on what matters most – innovation and discovery.

How we help


Improve pre- and post-award administration

Prepare and submit compliant proposals and manage central office post-award activity more effectively, including setup, charging, invoicing, and reporting.

Enhance award and portfolio management

Support investigator-facing research administrators with proven award and portfolio management tools and processes, including Huron’s proprietary portfolio weighting methodology.

Overcome subaward challenges

Reduce execution turnaround times, enhance invoice review and payment processes, and stay compliant with Huron’s subrecipient toolkit.

Refine research compensation practices

Certify compensation on sponsored awards with Huron’s Employee Compensation Compliance (ECC) and expand understanding of faculty commitments across your institution’s missions through Huron Mission Advance. Learn more.

Upskill administrators and faculty

Train administrators and faculty on research administration and compliance standards, with a focus on federal regulations, common industry practices, and roles and responsibilities.

Master change management

Build the case for change, identify barriers to success, implement meaningful change, and sustain new ways of working.

Address staffing challenges

Achieve more with on-demand outsourcing solutions to increase institutional capacity. Learn more.

Maximize cloud performance

Capitalize on the use of cloud technologies and innovative solutions to create scalable support for research faculty and staff.

Connect with an Education & Research expert

Joe Taylor
Managing Director
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Tim Patterson
Managing Director
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Marisa Zuskar
Managing Director
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Sonia Singh
Managing Director
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Kevin Cook
Managing Director
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Nate Haines
Managing Director
Read My Bio

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